What Type Of Home Are You Looking For?

Complete Your Rent-To-Own / Owner Financed Buyer Profile (Get On Our Priority List)

Spend 3 minutes to let us know what you’re looking for. It’ll help us find the properties you’re looking for. We put those who fill out this form on what we call our “Preferred Buyer” list. Properties get sent out to Preferred Buyers first… then to the general list if Preferred Buyers don’t snap it up. It’s free. Just shows to us that you’re serious. We call it our Preferred Tenant-Buyers list.

What is your monthly rent budget?(Required)

We help those with low or no credit get into great homes. But knowing where your credit currently stands helps us have a better idea of your specific situation.

How much do you have available for a down payment today?(Required)

Contact Information

The better we know you the better we can help you find the properties you're looking for. Thanks!